Who wants this site shut down?

Recently someone was under oath in court in Mwanza, Tanzania and was instructed to name the author of this blog. They disclosed my identity and were then asked to tell me to shut down the blog or at least stop posting things. I obviously am not willing to stop informing people about the illegal, immoral and abusive behaviour of the board of directors of Hisani Centre for Women's and Children's Rights and any police, social worker or government official that has been bribed, threatened or coerced into allowing this blatant child abuse to continue. I would like to state, however, that I highly respect the legal system and country of the United Republic of Tanzania and if anyone officially asks me to help to make the proceedings more fair by shutting down this site I would probably comply. If you are in such a person you can reach me by sending an email to the following address : therealhisani@gmail.com.

Photo evidence of child abuse

Photo evidence of child abuse
These scars were inflicted by fred using an electrical wire. The crime? Wetting the Bed.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

More Drama

Last night I got a call. It seems that Colin, though I asked him repeatedly to keep my identity confidential, has been forwarding my emails to Fred. Argh. So I don't think I will be going back to Mwanza again. Not without an armed guard anyway.

Here is the email I received from Colin today and my reply:

On 2/21/11, Kids Aid Tanzania wrote:
> Hi xxxxxxx,
> I would like to stress that we are investigating all the claims you are
> making. However, you must be prepared to give us all the information we
> need. Will you please forward to us copies of the statements and video you
> have - we will not pass them on to Fred and they will be safe from his eyes
> in the UK. Have they been sworn to in front of an advocate? Will you
> also send me Max's email address. I would also be grateful for copies of
> all the emails you refer to, for which you received blind copies, which
> relate to lying by Fred and misappropriation of money. I have no
> recollection of receiving any such emails, but my memory might be at fault.
> Such comments as we have received about Fred have had nothing to do with the
> matters in hand.
> I would also welcome your thoughts on what would happen to the children if
> we were to stop funding Hisani.
> Colin

Dear Colin,

I received information that you have forwarded my emails to Frednand.
Whether this is true or not I can't risk sending you any more
information in case it is leaked. Regarding the children I have
talked to a few places and there is definitely room for them

I doubt you will hear from me again,
Good Luck,


  1. I'm disagree with you putting this on here. I have personally been to Hisani and yes there are problems but this is not the right way to handle it. You are worried about your identity but you but this on the internet for everyone to see. Colin may have forward your emails to Fred but you are doing the exact same here! Sort this out another way this is not right.

  2. Thanks for your comment. For sure if you have any ideas on how to tackle this issue and ensure that the rights of the Hisani children are being protected I would love to hear them.

    Many people have tried different ways to investigate and expose Hisani in the last six years and none of them have been very fruitful. Believe me this is a last resort option. I never expected to be fighting like this, but Mwarwa's death was the last straw. I couldn't live with myself if another child died without me doing whatever I could to prevent it.

    I am in Tanzania and Colin is not. Identity was only a safety matter and for me and a few of the kids and now that Fred knows... its a non-issue.

