Who wants this site shut down?

Recently someone was under oath in court in Mwanza, Tanzania and was instructed to name the author of this blog. They disclosed my identity and were then asked to tell me to shut down the blog or at least stop posting things. I obviously am not willing to stop informing people about the illegal, immoral and abusive behaviour of the board of directors of Hisani Centre for Women's and Children's Rights and any police, social worker or government official that has been bribed, threatened or coerced into allowing this blatant child abuse to continue. I would like to state, however, that I highly respect the legal system and country of the United Republic of Tanzania and if anyone officially asks me to help to make the proceedings more fair by shutting down this site I would probably comply. If you are in such a person you can reach me by sending an email to the following address : therealhisani@gmail.com.

Photo evidence of child abuse

Photo evidence of child abuse
These scars were inflicted by fred using an electrical wire. The crime? Wetting the Bed.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

A letter from Fred's lawyer

I will attach the letter in question if Dawn gives me permission.. she forwarded it to me today by email. The letter basically says that Dawn should be punished under Tanzanian law for writing this blog. Only thing is... she doesn't write it. I do.

I post evidence against them online because I have finally accepted that the orphanage is a farce, many kids aren't orphans, the children are mistreated and beaten severely and the board of directors is stealing money from donors hand over fist. This is my opinion based on six years of experience and close contact with Hisani "orphanage".

In the letter to the court from his lawyer, Fred is trying to get Dawn thrown in jail... again. He has blamed her for writing this blog and therefore interfering with his charity operations which she is not allowed to do while they have a pending court case.
